Committee of Recommendation
Prof. Jean-Piere Bayens, president
International Association of Gerontology and
European Region
Prof Carol L. Huston, MSN, MPA, DPA,
President, International Honor Society of
Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau
Mr Freek Lapré
President of the European Association of
Homes and Services for the Ageing
Mrs Ladan Manteghi
President, AARP Global Network
Dr. Karen H. Morin
President The Honor Society of Nursing
Sigma Theta Tau International 2009-2011
Mr Franz Wagner MSc, RbP
Chief Executive Officer German Nurses
Association – DBfK
Mrs Ania Wilman, RN, Bed, PhD,
President of the Swedish Society of Nursing
RN, BEd, PhD and Professor Blekinge
Institute of Technology
Mr Albert Van Der Zeijden
Board member, International Alliance of
Patients’ Organizations

