- 13:00 |
tea & coffee |
Room: First
Floor |
Session A |
Room: Van
der Vorm Zaal
& Plate Zaal |
13:00 -
14:30 |
imagination, ethics and the care for older
people |
Chair: T.J.H.
Niessen |
1 Creating
a common vision through dialogues and
creative expression: the case of the
Hazelaar |
Snoeren, Fontys University of Applied
Sciences, the Netherlands |
2 Client
participation in an evaluation of integrated
care for frail older persons |
J. Bindels,
Maastricht University, the Netherlands |
3 Inspiring
and empowering health care assistants
to become ethical leaders |
T.J.H. Niessen,
Fontys University of Applied Sciences, the
Netherlands |
Photographs to give voice to people with
dementia |
G.G. Zadelhoff,
Maastricht University, the Netherlands |
A2-S21 |
Symposium |
Room: Van
Rijckevorsel Zaal & Ruys Zaal |
13:00 -
14:30 |
perspectives and opportunities to promoting
positive ageing in older people |
Chair: M.
Horne |
1 Improving
older people’s involvement in health and in
care decision-making |
M. Attree,
University of Manchester, United Kingdom |
2 Healthy
ageing: Preventing falls and promoting
active living in older people across Europe
M. Horne,
University of Manchester, United Kingdom |
3 Healthy
ageing: Positive health among older people
with focus on sleep habits and falls |
C. Fagerström,
Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden |
4 European
perspectives on developing collaborative
working to promote positive ageing in older
people |
I. Rahm
Hallberg, Lund University, Sweden |
A3-S26 |
Symposium |
Room: Mees
Zaal |
13:00 -
14:30 |
Small scale,
homelike living arrangements - the future of
dementia care? |
Chair: E. van
Rossum |
Small-scale living: characteristics and
implications for residents, family and
nursing staff |
H. Verbeek,
Maastricht University, the Netherlands |
2 Shared
housing arrangements for persons suffering
from dementia–the Berlin Longitudinal Study
DeWeGE |
Wolf-Ostermann, Alice Salomon Hochschule
Berlin, Germany |
3 Living
arrangements for people with dementia study:
Nursing staff well-being and quality of care |
D. Smit,
Trimbos Instituut, Utrecht, the Netherlands |
- 15:00 |
Break |
Room: First
Floor |
15:00 -
16:30 |
session 1, opening ceremony |
Room: Willem
Burger Zaal |
Chair: Prof.
Caroline Carlisle, RN, PhD
University of Glasgow, Scotland, United
Kingdom |
Hanneke Hillmann, RN
Chair European Nursing Congress Foundation
Prof. Herdis Sveinsdóttir, RN, PhD
Chair Workgroup of European Nurse
Researchers |
addresses |
KN1 Setting
the agenda: Future of care
Prof. Ingalill Rahm Hallberg, RN, PhD
Professor in Health Care Science, Lund
University, Sweden
Director of the Swedish Institute for Health
Assistant Vice Chancellor of Lund University,
President of the European Academy of Nursing
Science |
KN2 Setting
the agenda: Facing challenges in nursing
Marcelis Boereboom
Director General Long-term Care Dutch
Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport |
KN3 The
future of Care: Nursing research can make
the difference
Prof. Jan Hamers, RN, PhD
Professor of care of older people,
Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life
School for Public Health and Primary Care (CAPHRI) |
17:00 |
Doors open
for welcome reception City Hall |
- 19:00 |
reception |
City Hall
of Rotterdam Coolsingel 40, Rotterdam |
Offered by
the City of Rotterdam
Welcome by the Mayor of Rotterdam,
Ahmed Aboutaleb
Performance by a special choir of Surinam
organized by Stichting Prefuru and Humanitas |
Download Monday programma (pdf)
Download complete
programme (pdf) |