Practical information participants
The registration desk will be opened on:
- Monday 4 October: 12.00 17.30 hrs
- Tuesday 5 October: 08.00 18.00 hrs
- Wednesday 6 October: 08.00 17.30 hrs
- Thursday 7 October: 08.00 16.30 hrs
For more information about directions
and a floor plan of De Doelen Congress
Centre please visit:
Be aware that the conference venue has
four entrances. The congress will take
place in the Willem Burger Kwartier,
entrance: Kruisplein 40. Attached you
will find directions.
On arrival, please pick up your badge
and congress material at the
registration desk. We kindly request you
to wear your badge on all conference
occasions. Only participants wearing a
badge will be admitted.
No access cards will be sent out prior
to the congress. On arrival at the
registration desk, please give your last
name and you will receive your badge and
personal congress material.
If you attend the opening ceremony on
Monday 4 October, please make sure, due
to the attendance of Her Royal Highness
Princess Margriet of the Netherlands, to
be at De Doelen Congress Centre
ultimately 14.30 hrs.
Please be advised that you are required
to carry a valid ID at all times in the
Netherlands. This also applies while you
are attending the congress. Intensive
checks may be carried out on Monday 4
October as Her Royal Highness Princess
Margriet of the Netherlands will be
If you have registered for the opening
reception on Monday, please make sure
you are at the City Hall between 17.00
hrs 17.30 hrs. Attached you will find
It is not possible to register for the
parallel sessions. Participation in the
sessions is on a first-come,
first-served basis.
The participant costs for the whole congress
amount to 690 per person.
If registration is carried out before 1st of
July 2010, the cost per person will amount
to 550.
Day tickets are available for 290 per
person. Reduction is not appropriate on day
note: tickets for the whole congress are not
Full-time student nurses will receive a 50%
reduction: 345. No other reduction on
student tickets will be applicable. If you
register as a student, you must send a copy
of your student card by e-mail:
info@rotterdam2010.eu, otherwise we cannot
confirm your registration.
(please note: this reduction is not
applicable for Phd students)
Members of subsidising organisations
Members of subsidising organisations who
have made this congress possible:
National Nurses Organization NU91
V&VN Dutch Nurses Association
Rho Chi Chapter STTI
will receive a 50 reduction. This
reduction is valid for one use only and will
amount to a maximum of 50 per person.
Registration of presenting authors and
Please note that submitting a proposal for
presentation at the 4th European Nursing
Congress does not constitute registration
for the congress. Although authors of
accepted abstracts will receive a 50
discount on the main congress fee, no
discount is available for day tickets.
Participants attending the congress are
required to register and pay the
registration fee. This includes all authors,
co- authors, presenters and session chairs
of accepted presentations. All authors
accepted for presentation must register for
the congress before the 1st of July 2010 in
order to confirm their participation.
Failure to do this can result in the loss of
your presentation slot. Accommodation and
transportation are the responsibility of the
symposium organiser and/or speakers.
First authors (applicants) of abstracts
which are not accepted will also receive a
50 reduction.
Please note that co-authors of accepted and
not accepted abstracts will not receive a
reduction of
Reduction for authors of abstracts in
combination with the membership of one of
the announced nurses organizations will
amount to a maximum of 100 per person.
Online registration form
There are still places available,
unfortunately it is not possible to register
via the online registration form. You can
fill out an registration form at the
registration desk and you can pay by credit
card (VISA/Maestro/Mastercard) or by cash at
the registration desk. We only accept EUROs
(by prefer the exact amount, we do not
accept bills of 500,00).
Please note the cancellation policy
Cancellations must be made in writing only
and should be sent to
Leids Congres Bureau (Congress secretariat).
Cancellations will be subject to a 275,00
charge until 15 June 2010.
Cancellations will be subject to a 400,00
charge until 1 September 2010. After 1
September no refund is possible.
Changes in registration
Changes in your registration can only be
made by e-mail:
