Prof. Elizabeth Capezuti, Ph.D., RN., FAAN
New York University
Co-Director: John A. Hartford Foundation
Institute for Geriatric Nursing
Prof. Jan Hamers RN, PhD, Chair
Maastricht University, School for Public
Health and Primary Care
Department of Health Care and Nursing
Greta Cummings RN PhD
Principal Investigator, CLEAR Outcomes
(Connecting Leadership Education & Research)
CIHR New Investigator
AHFMR Population Health Investigator
Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of
President-Elect, International Society of
Nurses in Cancer Care
Mireille Kingma PhD
Consultant Nursing and Health Policy
International Council of Nurses
Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. Brendan McCormack RN, PhD
Institute of Nursing Research/School of
Nursing University of Ulster, United Kingdom
Adjunct Professor of Nursing, Monash
University, Melbourne, Australia.
Areas of Specialisation a.o. Gerontological
Nursing, Practice Development and
Practitioner Research Action Research
Prof. Koen Milisen RN, PhD
Centre for Health Services and Nursing
and Department of Geriatric Medicine
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Ingalill Rahm Hallberg RN PhD
Professor in Health Care Science Lund
university, Sweden
Director of the Swedish Institute for health
Assistant Vice Chancellor of Lund University,
President of EANS.
Carol Raphael, MPA
Member AARP Board of Directors
President and CEO of the Visiting Nurse
Service of New York (VNSNY)
Prof. Erik Scherder, PhD
VU University Amsterdam, head of department
for Clinical Neuropsychology, The
Prof. Anthea Tinker PhD
Professor of Social Gerontology at King’s
College London, United Kingdom
Theo van Uum
Director Ministry of Health, Welfare and
Directorate Macro Economic Policy and Labour
Prof. Rudi Westendorp PhD
Leiden University Medical Center /
Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing BV |
