Programme Committee
Dr Evelyn Finnema RN, PhD
The Rotterdam University of Applied
Sciences, Institute of Health Care
Prof. dr. Anneke Francke RN, PhD
Coördinator of the nursing research
programme at Nivel (The Netherlands
Institute for Health Services Research).
In addition, she is part-time professor 'Nursing
and care in the last phase of life', at the
Department of Public and Occupational Health
of the VU University Medical Center.
Prof. Jan Hamers RN, PhD, Chair
Maastricht University, School for Public
Health and Primary Care
Department of Health Care and Nursing
Dr Jacomine De Lange RN, PhD
The Rotterdam University of Applied
Sciences, Institute of Health Care. Trimbos
Institute, Netherlands Institute of Mental
Health and Addiction
Prof. Koen Milisen RN, PhD
Department of Geriatric Medicine, University
Hospitals of Leuven & Center for Health
Services and Nursing Research,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven,
Dr Joke Mintjes-De Groot RN, PhD
Faculty of Health, Hogeschool Arnhem and
Nijmegen Netherlands Centre for Excellence in Nursing
Prof. Marieke Schuurmans RN, PhD
Department of Nursing Science, University of
Utrecht Faculty of Health, Hogeschool Utrecht

