All European countries are facing a growing population of older persons. Demographic studies indicate that by 2050, Europe will have 173 million people of age 65 and above; this amounts to 27.6% of the total population.

Most older persons are in good health and have a high level of well-being. Health problems frequently occur in people of age 75 and above. The incidence of chronic diseases increases with the years and the prevalence of functional deficits increases sub-stantially.
Our current health care system is not prepared for the growing population of older persons.

Older persons are often marginalized and kept on the sidelines. Even today, many nurses, with the exception of those that work in nursing homes, do not believe that the ageing of the population will affect them. This is not the case, however, as in the future, nurses in all fields of care will encounter a growing number of older patients. The specific demands of older persons create a challenge for nurses.

In the fourth European Nursing Congress, the central theme is older persons as the future of care.
In this congress, nurses from all fields of health care, including homecare workers, general hospital staff, mental health professionals and carers for the mentally disabled, are invited to share their  methods and their research findings with regard to care for older persons. The motivation and training of students to train in caring for older persons is another key component. To ensure quality of care for older persons both now and in the future, issues regarding the labour market and labour saving must be brought into focus. How can we create greater efficiency of care by means of, for example, technological support? Innovation, new ideas and creativity in organizing care will be highlighted during the Congress.

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